Mosaic News

Interview with Guevara

Guevara is a very talented and creative person, originally from Syria. He has donated a beautiful handmade piece of wooden art to Mosaic. Take a look to the nice story behind our newest mosaic.  

Heart Acres Farm Community Shared Agriculture

Since 2017, Mosaic has been partnering with HAF to bring fresh and organic veggies to newcomer families. Heart Acres Farm is built on a foundation of trust and community building, they are committed to the well-being of the soil, plants, and to each other. Our families have been receiving full shares donations weekly of delicious… Read more »

Information about Mosaic LINC Classes

Since November 16 2020 all our  Mosaic English classes are online until further notice. The office is closed but we will answer your phone calls: You can reach us at 204 774 7311. If you want to join our English classes  please contact Welarc for a referral: (204) 943-5387.

Year in Reflection

Tope Babalola is a local film maker and the son of Mosaic’s board member, Omena Babalola. Tope volunteered to compile a year in the life of Mosaic and make this short video for our AGM.

Razia Sultana

After came to Canada I started my journey with mosaic. I’m really really appreciate to mosaic to teach me English language. Without mosaic’s help I can’t adopt in my new country. Also, They teach us Canadian culture and society. That’s very important for every newcomers to adopt in new society. Mosaic is my second home…. Read more »