Marites (Tess) Gopez is Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CGA). She is currently the Manager for Financial Planning and Analysis at Western Canada Lottery Corporation (WCLC). This current position focuses on financial analysis, budgeting, forecasting and board reporting. Before joining WCLC, Tess was the Director for Admin and Financial Services at Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation (MHRC), a provincial crown corporation operating under the Department of Families. MHRC’s main program is to provide social and affordable housing to Manitobans either by providing housing units at social housing rates or direct subsidies paid to third party housing providers. Tess also oversees the compliance of Federal funded programs. Being an immigrant herself, Tess takes pride in assisting the delivery and development of housing programs for new immigrants. She understands the value of any assistance provided to newcomer families. Tess joins the Board to support Mosaic to deliver its mandate.