Accessibility Policies

Accessible Client Service Policy

Accessible Client Service Policy


Mosaic – Newcomer Family Resource Network is committed to complying with the Accessibility Standard for Client Service under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. Mosaic has reviewed its policies and measures to ensure these reflect the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. If a barrier cannot be removed, we will seek to provide alternate ways to access our programs and services. The following policy statements meet the requirements of the Client Service Standard under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act.  The organizational practices reflect Mosaic’s particular services, programs and facilities. The following policy statements that have an impact on physical space apply to Mosaic’s main commercial facility at 397 Carlton Street. Policies directed at employees apply to all Mosaic employees regardless of their work location. Every effort will be made to comply with the Act at every location that Mosaic uses for the delivery of programs and services.

1:  Communication and information

Policy Statement:  Mosaic employees will communicate with people disabled by barriers in ways that take into account the nature of the barrier.

Organizational Practices:

•    Signage or verbal greeting will begin with “How can we help?

i.    If the barrier is unclear, we ask the client what method of communication works.

ii.   Paper and pen will be available at the reception desk. Devices like smartphones and tablets may be used to make documents accessible

•    Employees will have patience and find a quieter space if required.

•    Signage and documents will use easy-to-read fonts and plain language.

2:  Assistive devices

Policy Statement:  Mosaic will welcome the use of assistive devices when accessing our programs, services or facilities.

Organizational Practices:

•    Employees will not touch or move assistive devices without the client’s permission.

•    Employees are trained and familiar with the assistive devices that we provide (ex. Computers and iPads) to clients to access our programs, services or facilities, including public computers and iPads.

•    In cases where the assistive device or service animal presents a significant and unavoidable health or safety concerns, we will attempt to use other measures to ensure the person with a disability can access our programs, services or facilities.

3:  Support persons

Policy Statement:  Mosaic clients may choose to be accompanied by a support person, who may remain with the client at all times.

Organizational Practices:

•    Employees will address the client unless requested to do otherwise.

 4:  Service animals

Policy Statement:  Mosaic supports the right of a client to be accompanied in public places by a service animal that has been trained “to provide assistance to a person with a disability that relates to that person’s disability” (Human Rights Code, Manitoba).

Organizational Practices:

•     Employees will know how to identify a service animal by its harness or vest and by the assistance the animal is providing.

•     If employees have concerns, employees may ask whether the animal has been trained to provide assistance related to a disability.  Employees will not inquire about the disability.

•     Employees will treat a service animal as a working animal and not distract it from its job with petting, feeding or playing unless given permission to do so.

•     The handler must maintain control of the animal physically or through voice, signal or other means.

•     If the service animal is showing signs of not being controlled, for instance by barking, whining, wandering, the handler will receive a warning to control the animal and if that misbehaviour continues, the client may be asked to leave.

•     If another law prohibits service animals, we will explain why the animal is excluded and discuss with the client another way of providing programs and services.

5:  Maintain barrier-free access

Policy Statement:  Mosaic will maintain barrier-free access to our programs and services and ensure features that create access (accessible washroom, automatic door) are available for use as intended.

Organizational Practices:

•      Hallways, waiting and meeting rooms will be clear of clutter such as boxes and shoes.

•      Entranceways will be cleared of snow and ice as soon as possible.

•      Space will be arranged to allow room for walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters.

•      Standing signage will be avoided or placed in a corner where it is not a tripping hazard.

•      Seating will accommodate people of varying size and abilities, when possible.

•      The Mosaic Accessibility Committee, a subcommittee of the Building Committee will review The Accessible Client Service Policy and barrier-free access practices on an annual basis, as a standing item on the agenda.

6:  Notice of temporary disruption

Policy Statement:  Mosaic will promptly post notices and, when possible, announce any planned or unexpected disruptions to the accessibility features.

Organizational Practices:

•  Accessibility features affected by this policy include:

i.      accessible washroom

ii.     elevator (at partner sites)

iii.    automatic doors

•  Reception and/or Program Assistant staff members will prepare a notice and/or announcement that identifies the affected accessibility feature, the reason for the disruption, the anticipated length of time, and will identify a contact person or alternative access, if available.

•  Notice will be given in the following ways:

i.      posted on the door (washroom, front door)

ii.     posted on elevator door (at partner sites)

iii.    posted at the entrance. Immediately explained if appropriate (for example when there is going to be a water shut off in the building).

7:  Feedback process

Policy Statement:  Mosaic welcomes feedback and advice from clients and staff regarding accessibility. We will document and track any actions taken to respond to the feedback. This information will be made available upon request and in a format that meets the individual’s communication needs.

Organizational Practices:

•      Clients can provide feedback in the following ways:

i.      visit reception.

ii.     phone.

iii.    email.

iv.    website.

•        All feedback will be directed to Mosaic’s Accessibility Committee, which will determine what action should occur, if necessary.

•        If the feedback involves a request for a follow-up, the individual will be notified that the feedback was received and will be reviewed within the week.

•        At that time, the individual will be notified what, if any, action will be taken, including a timeline and an explanation.

•        The manager will ensure actions are documented, including the timeline.

•        The response to the feedback will take into account the communication needs of the individual who is inquiring.

8:  Training

Policy Statement:  Mosaic will provide all employees with the essential training on accessible client service. New employees will be trained within a certain timeframe after being hired. Training will be provided on an on-going basis, including updates to policies and organizational practices that affect access to programs and services. Training includes:

•        An overview of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, The Human Rights Code (Manitoba), the Client Service Standard.

•        Organizational policies and practices.

•        How to interact and communicate with people disabled by barriers, including persons who use an assistive device, are accompanied by a support person or are assisted by a service animal.

•        How to use any equipment or assistive devices available on-site (for example a public computer).

Organizational Practices:

•     Individuals are required to complete an online or in-person training module.  Individual training will be followed by a group discussion about potential barriers and how to remove them.

•     Training will be tracked by supervisors.

•     Client feedback regarding accessibility will be addressed in regular employee meetings.

9:  Documents available to the public

Policy Statement:  Mosaic will document all policies and organizational practices, including training content and when training is provided, and make these documents available to the public. The organizational website will notify the public that these documents are available and may be viewed in a manner that takes into account any barriers.  Documents will be provided within a reasonable timeframe and at no cost.

Date:  September 11, 2018