Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can I learn English at Mosaic?
You must be 18 years or older and be a Permanent Resident in Canada. You must go to WELARC for an English language placement test. You can ask to be referred to Mosaic. Contact WELARC for an appointment 204-943-5387. WELARC website.
You cannot register directly at Mosaic.
What is LINC?
LINC stands for Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada; it is an English language program. LINC is a government of Canada program that is offered free of change to eligible permanent residents.
Are Mosaic programs and LINC classes free?
Yes, all Mosaic programs and LINC classes are free.
Is there a waitlist for LINC classes? How long do I have to wait?
Unfortunately we have a waitlist for many of our classes. You will be notified if you are on our waitlist. As soon as we have an opening we will contact you again. It is very hard to predict how long you have to wait; sometimes you have to wait for several months, especially if you need childcare for a baby.
How long can I attend LINC classes at Mosaic?
There is no time limit; but our classes only go as high as Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 6. Some students attend classes for 3 or more years, especially if they have to learn how to read and write.
Is there a final exam in the LINC program?
There is no final exam. The teacher will assess your English during the school year on an ongoing basis. If you miss many of those assessments you will not receive a report card.
Do I get a report card?
Our school year runs from September until June. You will receive a report card in June if you attended at least 200 hours of class time, and if your teacher has good evidence of your English skills.
What if I have children, can I study at Mosaic?
Mosaic LINC classes (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) offer care for children ages 6 months to 5 years. We have limited spaces for children, you may have to wait for a childcare space.
What will my child do in a Mosaic childcare program?
Mosaic offers the Care for Newcomer Children (CNC) program. We adhere to all federal childcare regulations. Our Early Childhood Educators in each childcare room lead a team of loving and skilled Childcare Assitants. The staff members plan an age appropriate and culturally sensitive program that includes learning through play and experience. Children learn routines, English, make new friends and have fun. A healthy snack is always provided.
How do I know which Family Program is the best for me?
If you want more information about the family programs and help deciding which ones fit for you, you can email MosaicInfo or call 204-774-7311 and ask to speak to one of the Family Programs staff for help.
How long are Family Programs?
Most programs are 2 hours once a week for 6- 9 weeks. For exact times check the current program schedule.
I want to join a Family Program but I can’t attend all the sessions. Can I still come?
Yes, you are always welcome. Please talk to the program facilitator and let them know if you are not going to be attending every session.
Who can join a Mosaic Family Program?
Everyone is welcome. You can be a citizen, refugee claimant or permanent resident.
Do I need to bring my PR card?
YES! if you are a permanent resident, please bring your PR card to the first session of the program.
What level of English do I need to come to a family program?
We use visuals and language support to make the programs easier to follow. Most of our facilitators speak an additional language as well as English. Check with Mosaic to see which program is best for you.
Are there refreshments at Family Programs?
Healthy snacks are provided in all family programs. We keep in mind food allergies and cultural norms.
Do you provide transportation?
No, unfortunately we cannot provide transportation. However we do provide programs in many neighbourhoods. Check with Mosaic to find the programs closest to you.
Is childcare provided in Family Programs?
Yes, childcare is provided for pre-school aged children in most programs, please check with individual programs.
There is no program in my community. Can Mosaic run a program in my community?
Contact the Family Programs Director at Mosaic to discuss possibilities.
How do I become a Mosaic Family Program Faciliator?
All Mosaic Family Program Faciliators start as participants in Family Programs. Your first step is to participate in any Family Program. Once you have done this, if you are still interested, please contact the Family Programs Director.
What is the Mosaic HIPPY Program?
HIPPY stands for Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters. HIPPY is an international program that helps parents learn with their children. A trained HIPPY Home Visitor visits the family each week and introduces activities that the parents can share with their child. Once a month all of the Home Visitors and families gather together to meet, share and learn more about being their child’s first teacher.
How can I join the Mosaic HIPPY Program as a parent?
To be a Mosaic HIPPY parent you must be a Permanent Resident, have a child who is 3, 4 or 5 years old, and be able to commit to regular home visits between September and June. It is helpful if you have an English CLB level of 3 or higher; sometimes we can match you with a Home Visitor who speaks your language.